Welcome to my website!  This spring I was fortunate to be selected to participate in the Rising Sophomore Abroad Program (RSAP) at Virginia Tech.  This year there were 22 students who participated.  RSAP consists of a 3-credit course during spring semester followed by a two-week trip to Europe.  From May 12 - May 26, 2011, we experienced what we learned in class by visiting cities, universities, and engineering companies in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France.  This website documents that amazing trip through my journal entries and photos.  I hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoyed experiencing it!

About Me

My name is Lindsay Blassic, and I was born and raised in Oak Hill, Virginia, about 20 miles outside of Washington, D.C.  I am a rising sophomore at Virginia Tech in the College of Engineering, majoring in Computer Science, with a minor in Mathematics, where I plan to pursue the 5-year combined BS/MS program.  I am in the University Honors program and I also participated in the Hypatia Women in Engineering residential learning community.  My interests include soccer, cars (especially European), reading, watching movies, and hanging out with my friends.  I hope to study abroad and thought that RSAP might help me make the decision.

If you have any questions about anything you see on this website or about the RSAP program, feel free to contact me at [email protected].