Final Thoughts...

This trip was, by far, the best experience of my life!  Not only did I learn a lot, get exposed to different cultures, and visit countries I have never been to before, but I also made some great friends!  I didn’t know any of the other “RSAPers” before this class, but after sharing hotel rooms, eating meals together, getting lost together, running for trains together, trying to communicate in a foreign language, and all the other experiences we shared, we’ve become like a family.  I have formed some strong friendships that I hope will last a long time.

One of the goals of the program was to learn about global engineering.  The visits to several European engineering companies gave me some insight into what global engineering means and how I might contribute in that environment.  I am potentially interested in a career in robotics, or in the automotive industry working on autonomous vehicles, so the opportunity to visit ABB, Audi, and Dassault and to see first-hand how they operate, was especially exciting to me.

In addition, I learned a lot about Europe by visiting the various historic sites and landmarks.  Meeting the different people, hearing the different languages, and seeing all the different architecture and art gave me an appreciation of Europe that I couldn’t have gotten just from reading books.  Europe has a rich history that goes back thousands of years.  I think Europeans respect their history more than Americans do.   They have blended their past with the present as evidenced by the many historic buildings that still stand right next to the modern glass and metal buildings. 

I also learned a lot about myself on this trip.  I am basically an introvert and am sometimes uncomfortable in new situations.  So this adventure to Europe, though exciting, also made me a little nervous.  But by the time we left Europe, I felt comfortable being able to find my way around, to use public transportation, to try new foods, and to adapt to changes in plans with a positive attitude and patience.  I feel like I have grown a lot as a person.  I have become more self-confident and mature, and have a better understanding and respect for other cultures.

My experience in RSAP has given me a better understanding of the importance of having a global outlook with respect to learning, working, and life in general.  It also strengthened my desire to study abroad and perhaps to even try an internship abroad (I would love to work at Audi but they require you to speak German, and just my luck, my foreign language is French!) 

I would like to thank Dr. Tront, Mrs. Tront, and Ms. Nicole Sanderlin for making this trip happen.  Without their dedication and willingness to put up with 22 students wandering all over Europe, this wonderful experience would not have been possible!