Day 2 - 05.13.11: Heidelberg and Darmstadt

Friday the 13th, maybe not the best day to start a trip, but I was excited anyway!  Once we were off the plane in Frankfurt, we bought our train tickets and headed for the train.  It was more crowded than we thought it would be, and I ended up sitting in someone’s reserved seat, but they didn’t show up while I was there.  We then changed trains and finally made it to Heidelberg.  One more bus ride and we finally got to our hotel and checked in around noon.  We were given the option to eat or sleep, and I slept.


Mechanical Engineering Hall at TUD
After lunch we took a bus/train to Darmstadt to visit Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD).  Our tour guides, Erin, Melanie, and Klaus met us at the train station.  Erin was a Virginia Tech graduate attending graduate school at Darmstadt.  It was fun talking to her about her experiences at Virginia Tech compared to those at TUD.  When we arrived at the school, we were first given a presentation about the size and statistics of the university and how it had grown over the years.  It was the first university in the world to offer a course of study in electrical engineering. Then we were shown into the labs, where some students gave demonstrations of their research on cavitation.  Though I didn't understand everything they presented, it was clear that they were very thorough in their study of cavitation. 

After the demonstrations were over, we went to get ice cream.  It was interesting to visit a European university and see the differences between education in Europe and the United States.  TUD didn't really have a feel of a campus to me; the buildings were spread throughout the city.  They also don't have varsity sports and other activities usually associated with U.S. colleges.  Doing a study abroad would be a very different experience, but I think I would enjoy it.

Cavitation demonstrations ...
... more caviation demonstrations ...
... and more demonstrations!


The Wedding Tower and Russian Chapel at Mathildenhöhe
When we were finished at TUD, Klaus and the others took us to Mathildenhöhe, a park in the center of Darmstadt that is an artist's colony.  We saw the Wedding Tower, a building that looks like a hand with five fingers.  There was also a beautiful Russian Orthodox Church,  which is the only orthodox church outside of Russia. 

Then we headed to dinner at a nearby restaurant.  We ate outside, which was nice until it started getting dark and chilly.  I ordered half a chicken, which was delicious, and I tried other dishes like asparagus salad, spätzle and fried potatoes!  So far, I love the food in Germany!  We finally headed back to the hotel and around 10:00pm, and I crashed when I got back to my room.  This is going to be a long, but fun trip!