Day 4 - 05.15.11: Heidelberg - Philosopher's Walk/Scavenger Hunt/Locks/Student Prison

This morning we went on the Philosopher’s Walk, which was beautiful.  We took a path up the mountains, and along the way to the top, there were multiple places to stop and enjoy the view of Heidelberg from different resting points.  When we finally got to the top of the trail, we could see from one end of the city to the other.  I could hear the church bells ringing and it just added to the feel of a nice peaceful place away from the busy world of the U.S.  We took a different way back to the hotel that was past a lot of residential houses that had beautiful architecture, a lot different from the brick fronts of American houses.  At the end of our walk, we ended up along the Neckar River.
Philosopher's Walk
View of Heidelberg from Philospher's Walk
Neighborhood in Heidelberg
Max, Karl, Steph, and me on the Scavenger Hunt

The next item on our agenda was a planned scavenger hunt.  The Tront’s had a typed list of places we needed to find and poses we had to make in the pictures.  My team consisted of Max, Karl, Stephanie, and me.   We had a lot of fun discovering all the different places in Heidelberg.  Our team came in dead last, but we still had a great time. 

Afterward, we were free to go to lunch in Heidelberg.  I went to lunch with Ellen, and she suggested the place people went on the first day when I was sleeping.  It was called the BackFactory, and it was a premade deli kind of food shop, with all different kinds of sandwiches and pretzels and pastries.   I had a pepperoni pizza looking meal, and I also got a chocolate croissant (I love them) and a diet coke (or “coke light” as they call it in Europe). 

After lunch, we met up for another activity; we could choose between going further up the mountain past the Philosopher’s Walk, or we could go down to the Neckar River and see the locks.  I chose to go see the locks.  The locks allow the boats to move from one level of water to the next on the river.  I was surprised how fast the lock actually filled up.
Locks on the Neckar River
Graffiti on wall of tunnel


Student Prison at Heidelberg University
Next, we visited the University of Heidelberg student prison.  On the way, we found a tunnel that went under the main road, next to the river, filled with floor-to-ceiling graffiti.  It was really amazing!  After looking around at all the different styles, we made our way to the prison.  The prison’s original purpose was to house students that got in trouble with the Heidelberg police.  After a time, it became a rite of passage for students to be sent there before they graduated.  On the way back to the hotel, we stopped by the Witch Tower again (it was one of the stops in the scavenger hunt).  It was a little spooky because the sky was gray and it was chilly out, as if a storm was coming.  The tower itself was simple but intense looking.  Dinner was the last thing scheduled for the day.  I decided to try the asparagus soup this time, and it was delicious!  After dinner, I just hung around the hotel and went to bed pretty early since I was exhausted from our busy day.