Day 1 - 05.12.11: Dulles to Frankfurt

RSAPers at Dulles Airport!
The trip began with everyone meeting at Dulles Airport at 4:00pm.  This is only the second trip I’ve taken out of the country during my entire life, both trips within about a year.  So I was a little anxious and couldn’t keep still.  I was worried about going through security, especially since I forgot to take the liquids out of my suitcase for my trip to Senegal.  I managed to fit all of my stuff in a carry-on bag and a messenger bag so I didn’t have to check my luggage.  Most of us were seated near each other, in rows 28 – 31, with the exception of one person in row 35.  I was in seat 28H.  We boarded the plane at 6:09pm, and the plane left around 6:54pm.  It was supposed to be an 8 hour flight (I think the captain said 7hr 46min).  Sitting between me and Wesley was a guy named A.g.  He helped me put my luggage up in the overhead bins, thank God.  We talked with him and found out he also goes to Virginia Tech.  He was from Kosovo, so he was flying to Frankfurt and then home.  He was a business major.  Small world! 

The airplane dinner was pretty blah…I had pasta/lasagna filled with cheese, a good salad, a roll, and a cookies and cream brownie.  I ended up sleeping almost the entire plane ride, waking up for small stretches and passing out for more hours.  They served us breakfast, which felt really rushed, and before I knew it the flight was over.  We landed about 9:00am (3:00am back home), said bye to A.g., and went straight to buy our train tickets.  And so began Day 2…

As you can see, we had a pretty full itinerary: five cities in four countries in fifteen days! It was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time!