Day 14 - 05.25.11: Versailles

Panoramic view of the Palace at Versailles
Today was another free day in Paris, and a lot of people thought it would be fun to go to Versailles for the day.  I thought we were leaving around 10:00am or sometime later in the morning, but at 7:56am, there was a knock on my door.  Megan A. then informed me we were leaving at 8:00am, so I rushed around to get ready, and made it down in good time.  Megan A., Meghan H. and I had also decided to get food for a picnic lunch in the gardens of Versailles, so we left the group to find a supermarket and then caught a later train. We finally got to Versailles with all the food (turkey, lettuce, tomato, 10 baguettes, and two giant meringues, one raspberry, one chocolate), but we didn’t know where everyone else was!  So Megan took the food to the gardens and Meghan and I got our tickets and toured Versailles. 

The palace was magnificent.  I couldn't believe how much gold and opulence there was throughout the palace.  There were many murals, portraits, statues, and furniture, and elaborate paintings on all the ceilings.  Versailles definitely reflects the glory and the wealth of the French monarchy during that time.  Though it was beautiful, I couldn't help but think how selfish the French royalty were to live like this when their people were starving.  In my French class, I had learned about the Women's March on Versailles in 1789, which was a demonstration against the high price and scarcity of bread.  This was supposedly when Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake!".  No wonder she was beheaded! 

The Royal Chapel
Hall of Mirrors
Queen's bedroom
Mars Salon of the King's Grand Apartment

Gardens at Versailles
Afterwards, we explored some of the gardens, which were huge.  The gardens are laid out in interesting geometric patterns with many paths, fountains, statues, beautiful flowers and trees.  There just wasn't enough time to see everything.  We finally met up with Megan for our lunch.  Luckily, most of the others already found her and the food.  I ate my food, which was delicious, especially the meringues, and then I read while everyone else searched for Karl in the gardens in a game of sardines.  It was amazing to realize that I was sitting in the gardens where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette actually walked over two hundred years ago!  Throughout this entire trip, I have been impressed by the way each country has preserved its history through its art and architecture, and now I better appreciate the richness of the history and culture of these countries.

After Versailles, we all took the train home and I decided to sleep till dinner.  Dinner was in a French restaurant.  I ordered the duck and tiramisu, which was amazing!   I actually tried escargots as well, even though I was dead set against it, but I figured it could be my last chance to try snails in France, so what the heck!  Snails actually taste really good!  After dinner, I headed back to the hotel, and sadly, packed for home.