Day 13 - 05.24.11: Paris

Arc de Triomphe
We were supposed to visit Michelin today, but unfortunately, we missed our train.  The upside was that we got another whole free day in Paris!  The first place we visited was Sacré Coeur in Montmartre.   It was beautiful both inside and out.  I was glad to have been able to visit this church.  Afterward, the group I was with split up, and Megan A. and I went looking for a bookstore.  We finally found one, and they actually had a Harry Potter book (I wanted to find an easy book to help refresh my French), so I bought it!  I can’t wait to read it!  Next, we visited Printemps mall.  All of the items were so expensive. There were companies like Gucci, Prada and Louis Vuitton, things way out of our price range!  We went across the street to the section of the mall that seemed to be more for teens.  After visiting the mall, we walked down the Champs Elysées Avenue, all the way to the Arc de Triomphe.  Dinner was at 6:00, so we decided to take the metro back around 4:45.  Dinner was at an Italian restaurant, so I decided to get the margarita pizza again.  After dinner, a group of us ended up hanging together in the hotel before bed.  Even though the day started off a little rough, it was still a wonderful day spent with friends.

Each city and country we have visited has had a distinct personality.  The cities in Germany felt very Old World to me: Heidelberg is a small town with beautiful homes, and, even though Munich is a much larger city, it still felt like it had an old soul.  On the other hand, both Milan and Paris seem more modern to me.  Both cities felt vibrant and full of energy.  I think Paris is my favorite.  I could see myself living here some day.  In contrast, the towns and countryside in southern Switzerland were pastoral and idyllic.  The natural beauty of the lakes and mountains combined to create a peaceful setting isolated from the rest of the world.

Sacré Coeur
Walking along the Champs Elysées
Le Printemps Mall
Megan A. and me shopping in Paris!
Found Harry Potter in French!