Day 11 - 05.22.11: Paris - Notre Dame, Louvre, and Eiffel Tower

Paris at last!  Besides Audi, Paris was the place I was most looking forward to the entire trip!  I’m so glad we were there for so many days!  I decided not to go to mass in the morning, so I met the rest of the group who didn’t go in the lobby around 9:30am.  We met the others outside Notre Dame and took a quick tour.  The cathedral is beautiful.  It is one of the first buildings to use flying buttresses. There are elaborate sculptures on the outside that are very lifelike.  The interior is also amazing.  Looking up at the ceiling was breathtaking, it almost made me dizzy.  The stained glass windows are really something to see!  The soft light coming in through the stained glass windows made it feel very holy.  While we were walking around, the second mass began.  I am fascinated that such a famous, historical building is actually an active Catholic church.  I also discovered I don’t like the smell of incense!
Notre Dame
Statue at entrance to Notre Dame
Stained glass window
We met the Tront’s and Nicole outside after we left Notre Dame and walked to the Louvre.  I didn’t realize how big it was until I saw it in person.  It was huge, and that was just from the outside.  We took the escalators down to the first floor.  The Louvre is split into three sections, Richelieu, Sully, and Denon.  The group headed into Denon first, because that’s where the Mona Lisa is, among other pieces.  Megan wanted to see the large tapestry room, so Natalia, Megan and I headed there next.  We eventually made our way around to the Sully section of the Louvre, looking for where the impressionists could be.  Along the way, we saw Ramses and Venus, and a lot of other statues of their times.  We only had an hour and a half till we had to meet back outside of Denon.  We were then told that we could do whatever we want for lunch, so Megan and I and a few others decided to go back into the Louvre, this time looking for Hammurabi’s Code.  After walking around for a while, we stopped to ask someone, who finally sent us in the right direction.  Though we didn't get to see everything we wanted to, I was very excited to have actually seen so many famous works of art.
The Louvre
After the Louvre, we headed towards the Eiffel Tower.  On the way there, we stopped to buy crepes.  I got a Nuttella and banana, and I loved it!  Our group got some baguettes on the way to the Eiffel Tower, and we ate them on the lawn.  Next on the agenda, we went up the Eiffel Tower!  The view was spectacular!  Though I’m not a fan of heights or elevators, the trip up wasn’t so bad. Later that night we had dinner at a restaurant outside.    I ordered Pasta in crème sauce, which I really enjoyed.  I wish I could eat this well at home!
The Louvre
Mona Lisa and me!
Holding up the Tower!
Looking up the Eiffel Tower