Day 15 - 05.26.11: Paris to Dulles Airport - Home!

Goodbye, Europe! It was grand!
At this point I really did want to see home and my family, but I just wished they could have come to me instead of me leaving Europe.  But sadly, the last day of our trip had finally come.  We got to the airport early, just to be safe on time.  We got our tickets and went through security.  My bag was pulled aside because the scanner found something suspicious in my suitcase.  I already don’t like security, so I became even more nervous than I was before.  I was afraid they weren't going to let me on the plane.  After digging through my luggage and scanning it several more times, I was informed I have metal strips in my shoes that I brought for the company visits.  Finally I was free to go, and I awkwardly joined the other members of the group.  I was really freaking out!  Then I got some snacks from the airport and texted my parents to tell them we were on schedule.  I boarded the plane and found that my seat, 39K, was in the back right corner of the plane, which I actually liked.  I slept for a few hours and read some of my French Harry Potter book.  When we landed, we went through customs and met up with everyone at baggage claim.  After making sure everyone was there, we were free to go, so I went to go find my parents.  I found then easily, my dad being taller than a lot of people.  It was so good to see them, and I instantly started telling them all about the trip.  As more of the group left customs, everyone started hugging everyone goodbye.  I was sad the trip was over, but it was good to be home.  Thanks for a great trip, everyone!