Day 12 - 05.23.11: Dassault

On today’s agenda was a visit to Dassault Systèmes.  We sat through a few presentations about what they are doing in their company.  Then we were off to lunch.  I had a steak, which was really just a hamburger without a bun.  After lunch we got coffees/hot chocolates and sat outside.  Then we were split into two groups.  The other group went first, so my group waited outside.  While waiting, I realized I lost the ring that I had bought in Italy.  Luckily I retraced my steps with the help of my friends and found the ring in a trash can.  Then we got to look at some projects Dassault was working on.  One was a game that came on the back of a cereal box, and became a fun game once it was filled on a webcam, and you could play a 3D game.  They also had a walkthrough of the Louvre that generated an avatar for the user to control and move around the museum.  Next, we were shown what the other group saw first.  It was a 3D virtual room that is used for all different kinds of simulations.  Unfortunately, 3D things and I don’t get along, so I could only look at it for a short time, but it was very cool!  I really enjoyed seeing the various projects at Dassault.  It was very different from the manufacturing aspects at ABB and Audi.  As a computer science major, it was great to see how software provides innovative solutions for the design, simulation, and engineering of a product.  Using 3D visualization, companies can optimize and manufacture their products digitally without having to build and test costly physical prototypes.  I could see myself working for a company like Dassault in the future.

After our visit to Dassault, we headed back to the hotel.  Dinner was at a Thai Restaurant.  I ordered some yummy eggrolls!  I've thoroughly enjoyed all the food that I've had on this trip and have been willing to try many different things.  But I found one thing I wouldn't eat.  Meghan H. ordered a salad with fish, and when it came we discovered the fish were tiny little worm-like things with eyes!  I'm not that adventurous!
Dassault Systèmes
Presentation at Dassault