Switzerland & Italy

Itinerary in Switzerland/Italy
Our next stop after Germany was Switzerland.  Switzerland is one of the most peaceful and picturesque places I have ever seen.  The town of Riva San Vitale and the surrounding countryside are beautiful, and the view from the top of the Alps is breathtaking!  After the hustle of our week in Germany,  the peace and calm of Switzerland was a wonderful way to re-energize.

We also took a day trip to Milan, Italy.  Milan is a metropolitan city that blends the old and the new.  We saw a cathedral that dates back to the 13th century and the famous Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci.  Milan is also one of the fashion capitals of the world and has lots of high fashion boutiques, small shops, department stores, and street markets.  It was probably a good thing that we only had one day there, or I might have spent all my money!
Continue reading about Switzerland & Italy with Day 8>